Glassy glassy days in Crete
Glassy waves is the surfer's dream. Turquoise waters so clear that you can see the bottom of the ocean, it's just unforgettable.

Geburtstagsgeschenk - Surfkurs bei Kalo Surf auf Kreta
Warum nicht mal die Mama mit einem Surfkurs zum runden Geburtstag überraschen? Dachte sich wohl die Familie von Monika und schmiss sie ins k

Surfing at the Crack of Dawn
This family was so determined to learn to surf today that they even made us believe in the unbelievable.

Kids Surf Lesson in Crete
Look at the smiles in today's photo of the day! We just love the energy that kids bring to our surf lessons.

Kalo Surfing at Falassarna beach
Today Kalo Surf surf school drove their mobile surf school to Falassarna beach for the beginner's course.

SUP Tour in Kissamos
Today's activity with Kalo Surf surf school. was a guided SUP tour.

Cheers and Good Vibes at the Surf Lesson today in Crete
Inviting conditions once again today in Crete for a beginner surf lesson. The waves in the morning in Crete were glassy & had just the r

Exciting Surf Lesson in Falassarna in May
Exciting surf day today in Crete! One more time the waves of Crete treated us with their beauty and of course we don't miss the chance.

Wellenreiten am Riffbreak für Intermediates in Griechenland
Wo auf der Welt hat man denn noch einen Riffbreak ganz für sich alleine. Einen Surfspot wo man sich ohne Druck und in aller Ruhe ausprobiere

Surfing powerful Waves in Crete
We take a trip to the south of the island in search for the waves. The good thing of being on an island is that there are opportunities all