Surfing Week No 21 - Summer is almost here
Surfing lessons from 23 - 29 May 2022. The last week of May has sunny weather and the week starts with surfing on the west coast!

Surfing Week No 20 - Big Swell for Surfing in Crete
Surfing lessons from 16 - 22 May 2022. This week we were able to conduct two great surfing lessons on the Northcoast of Crete.

Wellenreiten KW 19 - Super Start in den Mai
Unsere Surfkurse vom 9.-15. May 2022. Auch in der 2. Maiwoche gibt es superschöne Wellen auf Kreta.

Surfing Week No 18 - Spring is here, May starts with great Surfing
Surfing lessons from 2 to 8 May 2022. The first week of May 2022 brought us good waves and milder temperatures.

Surfing Week No 17 - Goodbye April
Surfing lessons from 25 April to 1 May 2022. In the last week of April we had good waves in Kissamos and empty surf.