Wellenreiten am Reefbreak von Falassarna
Wellenreiten an einem Reefbreak ist etwas ganz Besonderes. Für die ganze Gruppe war es heute das erste Mal, dass sie so weit zum Surfen raus

Point Break Surfing in Crete
This morning we met bright and early for today's Beginner II / Intermediate surf course. For most of them it was the first time surfing

Surf Lesson on the Reef in Crete
Today there was juuuuuust the right swell direction and size for our personal private reef break to work. We are always very happy when we g

The surf session of a lifetime in Crete Greece
This day surfing in Crete in August 2020 will forever be marked in our memories. Not only for our participants, because they got to experien

Our point break is still on - Surfing in Greece
Point break surfing in Greece. After a shift in the sand bank the ocean floor in the bay of Kissamos is shaped just the right way to create

Paddel, paddel, paddel - Wellerreitkurs am Riff auf Kreta
Wenn Surfcoach Andy einem voller Enthusiasmus in die Welle ruft "paddel, paddel, paddel" muss man einfach alles geben.

Learn how to surf a Reef Break with Kalo Surf
Surfing in Falassarna - Beach Break and Reef Break!